Austin Daily Photo
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
  used cars

These really are very very used cars indeed. In fact they look like they were used mostly as ashtrays or maybe as barbecues. Actually, they are vintage cars ready to be restored; to be specific, powerful fast "muscle cars" from the 1970s. These are the kind of vehicles once driven by Starsky and Hutch and the Duke brothers. And mechanics really can and do restore cars from this state to new shiny glory these days. Isn't that amazing? I think they are brilliant.
ben ma caisse non il faut pas la ranger comme cela...
yes, the car "beautician" are brilliant!
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A picture a day from the capital of slackerdom! (unless we had too many mango margaritas the night before). Always weird, sometimes wonderful... put on your flip-flops, grab a breakfast taco, and hop in the VW bus with us for a spin around town :)

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