
This is the River City Donut and Coffee House on Research, but there are also two down south, on William Cannon and W. Stassney. I do still love the Krispy Kremes, but they are a bit like cotton candy as far as the satisfaction and inner joy they leave behind. These are proper donuts, with weight as well as calories, which can fill you up at breakfast time! Also there are a fabulous original seventies interior, old-fashioned coffee refills from a jug, and real china plates and metal cutlery! Traditional good old American loveliness all round and good value too.
There are a couple more pictures on this
other blog of mine. And today we would like to alert you to some other Daily Photo blogs around the world.
Berlin Daily Photo hails from one of our favourite European cities, now liberated from its World Cup football duties... the gorgeous beautiful
Szentes Daily Photo comes to you from a small town in Hungary, a fascinating country we would like to revisit (one week in Budapest is not enough)...and
Stavanger Daily Photo, from the Norweigan coastal town, with its cool Northern light, reminds me of LBT (Life Before Texas)...