Austin Daily Photo
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
  very Texan impressive doorway

Here we have a very fancy chrome and glass doorway to the Guaranty bank on Congress. Impressive, yes? You can see how big it is from the size of the little tiny people reflected at the bottom. These big impressive bank buildings make Lilliputians of us all. There is probably a moral in that, so please feel free to make it up if you are so inclined.
The bigger the bag the higher the door. That's why cathedrals feature big doors too!? This chrome metal frames are flashy and look powerful. Great shot!
YEAH !!!!
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A picture a day from the capital of slackerdom! (unless we had too many mango margaritas the night before). Always weird, sometimes wonderful... put on your flip-flops, grab a breakfast taco, and hop in the VW bus with us for a spin around town :)

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